Giving Back

Our recent work has ranged from hosting an annual Work Experience Week for more than 50 students to volunteering at NHS Covid-19 booster vaccination sites and creating a €4m hardship fund dedicated to frontline Covid-19 relief causes in our local communities and in areas close to our portfolio companies.

If we want to reflect our communities, we have to be part of them. Across all our offices, in Europe, North America and Asia, Bridgepoint supports community groups, charities and other organisations through a range of outreach and partnerships, investing time, expertise and the financial resources to make a difference. 

Funded by the business and its employees, Bridgepoint Charitable Trust provides support to charities nominated by teams across our network.

Engaging with communities

Funded by the business and its employees, our charitable foundation – Bridgepoint Charitable Trust (‘BCT’) – supports an array of charities nominated by our teams across the Bridgepoint network and selected by our trustees, who are drawn from across the firm.

We also encourage philanthropic work by Bridgepoint employees by matching the fundraising efforts of individual team members and supporting the charities sponsored by colleagues or friends of Bridgepoint.



Given to charities across Europe - in France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the UK and the US.

Our Foundations

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Dandelion Time is a UK-based charity which aims to help and educate children with behavioural, educational and emotional needs by providing therapeutic and developmental activities for children and their families within a sustainable farm environment. The BCT donation will help fund its Transition Programme which is designed to prepare children who are at risk from school exclusion for the transition to secondary school.

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Coup de Pouce Clé aims to improve the literacy and numeracy of children in France by running after-school clubs for small groups of children, predominantly in deprived areas. It also helps parents of affected children to become more involved in encouraging their children to read and write. In this way Coup de Pouce stimulates the development of children’s cognitive and soft skills (motivation, self-confidence, and pleasure in reading) as well as giving parents the keys to support their children.

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United World Schools (‘UWS’) is a UK-based charity which provides education to isolated communities who do not receive the benefit of government education systems, typically in the Far East. It does this by building schools in remote communities and entering into partnerships with local communities and local education authorities to provide local teachers and government teachers who can fully communicate with the local population.

BCT first made a donation in 2017 to build a school in Sdao in Northern Cambodia – now fully operational, with over 260 school children and six teachers. They have also more recently built a second school - in Prey Khiev Khang Kert, a remote village located in Mondulkiri, in Eastern Cambodia. This has 130 primary aged children (with a further 50 within three years of its opening) and employs two teachers and a librarian.

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Läxhjälpen, is a Swedish not for profit organisation focussed on providing homework tutoring support to children in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas of Sweden, with the aim of getting them ready for high school.

Bridgepoint began its journey with Laxhjälpen in 2020 when BCT gave its first donation, funding 50 study places on their tutoring program in Stockholm (15 places) and Malmö and Gothenburg (35 places) for the full academic year 2020/21.

In 2022 the funding was renewed, providing additional support to current pupils and our focus school, Skarpatorpsskola, and will also maintain support for the next academic year to the pupils across the Gothenburg and Malmö areas and the new digital platform.

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The ‘Billion Oyster Project’ is a marine restoration and environmental education organisation identified by Bridgepoint’s New York office. The charity has two aims: to restore one billion live oysters to the New York harbour by 2035 and at the same time to engage and educate students in the city’s middle and New York Harbour schools about the importance of functioning ecosystems.

It will achieve this by restoring oyster reefs and harnessing the powerful ability of oysters to filter nitrogen pollution from the water and thereby create a habitat for hundreds of marine species. The charity also believes that direct engagement and interaction with wild animals and functioning ecosystems has a transformative effect on young people. 6,000+ students to date in New York City have monitored oyster and harbour health as part of their education.

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The Bridgepoint team has responded to the Covid-19 crisis by raising a £3 million Hardship covid relief Fund dedicated to frontline relief causes in our local communities and in areas close to our portfolio companies. The Fund comprises contributions from our Board members (the equivalent to 20% of salaries) and also attracted significant contributions from our Partnership and broader team. The Fund distributes donations, large and small, via our Bridgepoint Charitable Trust, to frontline covid affected causes identified by our teams globally as well as by individual team members.

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